Terms & Conditions
1 Information and Data
1.1 The information and data which is provided within your child’s registration form will be held on the computers and manual records at Foxy Feet (F.F.)
2 Disclaimer
2.1 If you have any complaints about the service that we are offering please in the first instance contact F.F. Manager.
2.2 We may change the terms and conditions where such change arises from regulatory issues or changes in legislation affecting us, proposed changes in invoicing procedures, or in our reasonable opinion it is in the interests of children attending F.F. We will give you at least one month’s written notice of such change.
2.3 F.F. reserves the right to cancel any of its sessions or events at anytime, due to weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances, but will endeavour to notify parents as soon as possible via email and/or F.F. Facebook Page.
2.4 All sessions and venues are subject to change according to venue availability, and a satisfactory number of participants, and other factors beyond F.F.’s control. We may also change or cancel any courses/programmes due to these factors.
2.5 If for any reason the school gym is closed we will continue the session outside. I appreciate your flexibility.
2.6 Acceptance of this agreement is implicit when you sign our form document and applies to all parties noted on the booking form, irrespective of whether the secondary parties have signed the form. We would respectfully request that if parents / carers experience difficulty in fulfilling any of the conditions of this agreement, that they contact F.F. Manager as soon as possible. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
3 Booking & Registration
3.1 We do not charge a registration fee.
3.2 Confirmation of registration will be on receipt of the full registration fee and completed registration form. All registrations will need to be approved by the Foxy Feet Director before the start of the programme.
3.3 Unfortunately, should you cancel your place once the participant has been registered and F.F has received payment the total fees will be become non-refundable due to the fact that we have had to turn someone else away to secure the place.
3.4 Changes to your booking - Changes that do not reduce the number of sessions booked, to swap days for example, or changes to increase the number of sessions booked, can be made if availability in programme has a place.
4 Fees and Financial
4. 1 We are unable to refund fees for sessions not taken due to illness, absence or where F.F. is forced to close due to circumstances beyond our control
4. 2 Prior to registration an automatic payment can be arranged.
4.3 The Academy requires all players to be in the official Foxy Feet training kit this includes top, shorts and socks.
Purchase is only required upon registering for the first time.
5 Health, safety and absence
5. 1 You are required to inform the F.F. director of any medical conditions your child may have. 5. 2 We reserve the right to administer basic first aid and treatment when necessary. Parents will be informed of all accidents and will be required to sign an accident form. For accidents of a more serious nature, involving hospital treatment, all attempts will be made by F.F. to contact the parents but failing this, we are hereby authorised to act on behalf of parents to consent to necessary treatment from a suitably qualified medical source.
5.3 Although F.F. staff will take every precaution to prevent participants from injury or harm, the academy does not accept liability for medical expenses injuries that may be incurred during any of its programmes.
5.4 Children who are unwell should not attend the F.F. If children fall ill during the session parents will be contacted to arrange to collect them. If the parents are unavailable other authorised contacts will be called.
5.5 In fairness to all our staff and to the clients and children that use our facilities we expect reasonable standards of behaviour at all times.
5.6 Parents/guardians take full liability for their participants who may cause intentional damage to property and/or equipment of F.F. or the venue in which the programmes take place. Participants who are found causing damage will be invoiced the cost of such damage and payment of such invoice must be made prior to attending the next session unless discussed with the Academy Director/Head Coach.
6 Security and publicity
6.1 F.F. photographs and videos may be taken of registered participants on any of our sessions. These pictures and videos may be used, reproduced and/or published in F.F. publications including magazines, books, news reports, Youtube, social media, TV and on our website.
6.2 If your child is going to be collected by someone other than yourself the Manager will require prior notification. It is the responsibility of parents to keep us informed of any changes in contact numbers.
6.3 I understand that any serious or continued breach of the codes may result in my child being removed from the Foxy Feet.
1.1 The information and data which is provided within your child’s registration form will be held on the computers and manual records at Foxy Feet (F.F.)
2 Disclaimer
2.1 If you have any complaints about the service that we are offering please in the first instance contact F.F. Manager.
2.2 We may change the terms and conditions where such change arises from regulatory issues or changes in legislation affecting us, proposed changes in invoicing procedures, or in our reasonable opinion it is in the interests of children attending F.F. We will give you at least one month’s written notice of such change.
2.3 F.F. reserves the right to cancel any of its sessions or events at anytime, due to weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances, but will endeavour to notify parents as soon as possible via email and/or F.F. Facebook Page.
2.4 All sessions and venues are subject to change according to venue availability, and a satisfactory number of participants, and other factors beyond F.F.’s control. We may also change or cancel any courses/programmes due to these factors.
2.5 If for any reason the school gym is closed we will continue the session outside. I appreciate your flexibility.
2.6 Acceptance of this agreement is implicit when you sign our form document and applies to all parties noted on the booking form, irrespective of whether the secondary parties have signed the form. We would respectfully request that if parents / carers experience difficulty in fulfilling any of the conditions of this agreement, that they contact F.F. Manager as soon as possible. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
3 Booking & Registration
3.1 We do not charge a registration fee.
3.2 Confirmation of registration will be on receipt of the full registration fee and completed registration form. All registrations will need to be approved by the Foxy Feet Director before the start of the programme.
3.3 Unfortunately, should you cancel your place once the participant has been registered and F.F has received payment the total fees will be become non-refundable due to the fact that we have had to turn someone else away to secure the place.
3.4 Changes to your booking - Changes that do not reduce the number of sessions booked, to swap days for example, or changes to increase the number of sessions booked, can be made if availability in programme has a place.
4 Fees and Financial
4. 1 We are unable to refund fees for sessions not taken due to illness, absence or where F.F. is forced to close due to circumstances beyond our control
4. 2 Prior to registration an automatic payment can be arranged.
4.3 The Academy requires all players to be in the official Foxy Feet training kit this includes top, shorts and socks.
Purchase is only required upon registering for the first time.
5 Health, safety and absence
5. 1 You are required to inform the F.F. director of any medical conditions your child may have. 5. 2 We reserve the right to administer basic first aid and treatment when necessary. Parents will be informed of all accidents and will be required to sign an accident form. For accidents of a more serious nature, involving hospital treatment, all attempts will be made by F.F. to contact the parents but failing this, we are hereby authorised to act on behalf of parents to consent to necessary treatment from a suitably qualified medical source.
5.3 Although F.F. staff will take every precaution to prevent participants from injury or harm, the academy does not accept liability for medical expenses injuries that may be incurred during any of its programmes.
5.4 Children who are unwell should not attend the F.F. If children fall ill during the session parents will be contacted to arrange to collect them. If the parents are unavailable other authorised contacts will be called.
5.5 In fairness to all our staff and to the clients and children that use our facilities we expect reasonable standards of behaviour at all times.
5.6 Parents/guardians take full liability for their participants who may cause intentional damage to property and/or equipment of F.F. or the venue in which the programmes take place. Participants who are found causing damage will be invoiced the cost of such damage and payment of such invoice must be made prior to attending the next session unless discussed with the Academy Director/Head Coach.
6 Security and publicity
6.1 F.F. photographs and videos may be taken of registered participants on any of our sessions. These pictures and videos may be used, reproduced and/or published in F.F. publications including magazines, books, news reports, Youtube, social media, TV and on our website.
6.2 If your child is going to be collected by someone other than yourself the Manager will require prior notification. It is the responsibility of parents to keep us informed of any changes in contact numbers.
6.3 I understand that any serious or continued breach of the codes may result in my child being removed from the Foxy Feet.